by Steve Lam | Aug 25, 2017 | Events, Guide, News
Late summer and early Fall is festival season on Cape Cod. September also has some of the best weather Cape Cod has to offer. If you have the time & inclination, we recommend attending some of these events, celebrating local foods, culture, and small town pride....
by Steve Lam | Oct 16, 2015 | History
All of these are from What we Cook on Cape Cod by Amy L Handy published in 1911. Pigs [Oysters] in Blankets. —Season large oysters with salt and pepper, roll in very thin slices of fat bacon and fasten with a toothpick. Fry in a hot pan until the bacon is done,...
by Steve Lam | Oct 15, 2015 | History
Interested in reading some turn of the century oyster recipes?
by Steve Lam | Oct 14, 2014 | Events
In case you didn’t know the Wellfleet Oysterfest is this weekend October 18 & 19th, 10am-5pm. Oysterfest is a rip-roarious of Wellfleet’s famous oysters. Two days of live music, oyster shucking contests, arts & crafts, and a...