In case you didn’t know the Wellfleet Oysterfest is this weekend October 18 & 19th, 10am-5pm. Oysterfest is a rip-roarious of Wellfleet’s famous oysters. Two days of live music, oyster shucking contests, arts & crafts, and a bottomless supply of Wellfleet oysters and other local shellfish make it an event not to miss. Oysterfest is held in Wellfleet Center. Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic for the fest, off-site parking is available parking at the pier, and Wellfleet’s ocean-side beaches of LeCounts Hollow Beach (Maguire Landing), White Crest Beach and Newcombs Hollow. Shuttles run every 20 minutes between the fest and the beach parking lots. Admission to the Fest is $5 for a one-day pass or $8 for a two-day pass. Wellfleet residents can get into the Festival for free on Sunday provided they bring their driver’s license. If you are attending the fest, please drive responsibly. The Wellfleet Oysterfest is organized by S.P.A.T. a local non-profit which gives scholarships to local college students. Click here for a schedule of events.