Highland Lighthouse, 1883, Truro, Cape Cod, MA


Did you know Highland Light (also sometimes know as the Cape Cod Light) in Truro is one of the oldest established lighthouses in the United States? The lighthouse that currently stands looking out over the sea in Truro is actually the third structure to stand on the site. The first Highland Light was authorized by George Washington in 1797 and actually was the 20th lighthouse constructed in the United States and was built out of wood. In 1833 a brick lighthouse was built to replace the wooden one but was later declared structurally unsound and dangerous. So in 1857 lighthouse that currently still stands at Highland was built to replace this light.  At one point Highland light had the most powerful beacon on the East Coast to warn mariners of the danger of Outer Cape Cod’s ocean side, which continued to regularly claim lives and ships throughout the 19th century and early 20th century. In 1996 the Highland Light was moved further back from the eroding cliffs in front of it.