2017 Hazardous Waste Collections
Hazardous waste collection is extremely important if you hazardous materials on your property is essential to dispose of them properly if they are not needed. Many products are found in households are hazardous, these range from cleaning agents, marine paints, auto fluids, or items containing mercury such as old thermometers. These can potential be harmful to your heath or the environment or both if not stored or disposed of properly. On Cape Cod, hazardous waste collection is done during mostly during the summer, with some collections also taking place in the spring and fall. Some waste is accepted throughout the year including; antifreeze, batteries, computers, monitors, old TVs, empty fire extinguishers, light bulbs containing mercury (CFLs, & florescent), used auto oil and filters. Guide to doing a hazardous waste audit of your home. Note acrylic or water-based paints and finishes are not hazardous and can be disposed of by adding them to your ordinary trash after letting them dry out.
For Residents of Wellfleet, Truro & Provincetown
Wellfleet Transfer Station
Truro Recycling Center
Provincetown Transfer Station
90 Race Point Rd, Provincetown
For Residents of Eastham & Orleans
Eastham DPW
Orleans DPW